Monday, July 16, 2018

Baby girl is here! It's been a wild couple of nights at home.

I finally was able to put her down after she's been awake since 9:30pm. Everyone keeps making comments about how alert and awake she is for a newborn...yes she's very alert. I love it, but it's scary because I know when you're five days old, you also need A LOT of sleep. So I can't help but wonder if this will hinder her growth in anyway.

She's truly something special. She surprises me everyday!

Today, she surprised me by *almost* rolling over into her stomach.
Yesterday, she surprised be my holding her own pacifier to keep it from falling out of her mouth (yes, I lost the pacifier battle).
Three days ago, she surprised me by lifting her head off her dad's chest.

And these are all things she continues to do. How can she be growing up so fast?

Love her so much!!!! I'd do nine months all over again just for her.

Sent from my iPhone

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