Saturday, December 31, 2011


All I ask from the people I choose to surround myself with is honesty. I am always honest with them, and some may take it the wrong way and think I'm a bitch or that I'm too blunt about it, but that's just how I am (take it or leave it). And I expect the same back, just be honest w/me. For whatever it is.

Never be afraid to be honest w/me because you're scared to hurt my feelings. It may sting, but I'll get over it.
Never be afraid to be honest w/me because you think it's going to hurt our relationship. If anything I'll respect you more and it'll strengthen it.
Just never be afraid to be honest w/me whether it's regarding my ugly outfit, what I do to hurt others, any mistakes I've done, etc. If you don't speak up and tell me about it, there's no way I'll ever know that I'm doing wrong and I'll continue to do it.

So, in 2012 I am going to let go and drop everyone that continues to bring me down by not being honest w/me. I'm only going to surround myself w/people who are able to be honest w/me and continue to let me grow as a person, and those who will bring out the best in me.

Chances are if you think this post applies to you, it probably does.

"Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don't expect it from cheap people."

FYI: I wouldn't consider this as a resolution b/c I find it silly when people wait for a certain time in the year to FINALLY start something they've been meaning to, but I see this more as a cleanse. People do diet cleanses, I do life cleanses.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Memories Wasted

The man gave me my fifth camera within a 12 month time frame. The last camera I lost, I lost memories of most of my 2011 trips. Since this one is a gift, I better not lose it. Besides, I gotta learn to upload pictures more often.

I also emailed on my account. If the account is completely lost, I will be one angry woman. Pictures dating back to 2002 til 2010 are all gone...MEMORIES!!!!

With my awesome new camera, I'm going to try and take more pics on the device versus my Droid. Although the droid is so much more convenient w/the ability to upload instantly...

Let's hope the fotki account isn't gone...if it is I'm on a hunt for another good photo hosting site.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

if money brings you happiness then you'll never be fully happy in life.

you have to learn to be happy with yourself before you can make others happy. and then learn to be happy with what you have before you can be happy with what you want.

if you put your eggs in the money/want basket and you lose it, you'll lose ground.