Oh, and to piggyback off the previous post: it's been a rollercoaster of emotions because you go through major highs but then major lows.
•First you take at home tests and you see the results are positive: MAJOR HIGH
•But then you start googling and read about how it's not certain until doctor confirms or there's a heartbeat to confirm a viable pregnancy, so you're stuck waiting for your first prenatal visit: MAJOR LOW
•Once you see an OB, see a speck on ultrasound, and hear the baby's heartbeat and everything is confirmed: MAJOR HIGH
•You just wanna share the news with everyone and anyone but then are told (or read online) that you could fall under the 22% (or 35% if you've struggled with endometriosis) of women that miscarry in first twelve weeks: MAJOR LOW and super buzzkill btw
•but you slowly share the amazing news with those you'd want to be there for you if you did miscarry because no one should have to go through it alone: MAJOR HIGH
•four weeks after your first prenatal appointment you go in for your second and are given options to do genetic testing on baby. So, you decide to do go ahead with the tests and have to wait for results: MAJOR LOW
•results come in showing low levels for abnormalities and you're on your thirteenth week and the taboo of waiting until after your first trimester is over to share your pregnancy news are over: MAJOR HIGH
•then your body acts out and you start cramping and spotting. so you see your OB and although she tells you it's normal and you're healthy, she orders an ultrasound to confirm but you have to wait until your ultrasound appointment which isn't for another three to four days: MAJOR LOW
•you get to see baby and see baby move like a gymnast during ultrasound appointment: MAJOR HIGH
•however during same ultrasound appointment you find out you have a sub chronic hemorrhage: MAJOR LOW
•because of sub chronic hemorrhage you wait a week and a half to two weeks for another ultrasound and see that the hemorrhage is now nonexistent: MAJOR HIGH
•you visit your OB for your third prenatal appointment and she gives you the option of doing more genetic testing and since you did the first one, you agree to do another. Blood is drawn but you have to wait for results: MAJOR LOW
•results come in showing levels for abnormality are elevated. OB explains what it COULD mean but you're preoccupied. OB says she will refer you to a group of specialists for level 2 ultrasound to rule out markers. You wait a week for appointment: MAJOR LOW
•you speak with care coordinator at the personal specialist group and she says because level 2 ultrasounds are more in depth than ones done in office with OB, we can choose to cancel our 20 week anatomy scan. This also means we get to find out baby's sex two weeks early: MAJOR HIGH
•but you still have to wait for the appointment and wait to find out if markers will appear or not during scan in six days: MAJOR LOW
and folks, that's where I currently am. What a ride huh? And to think it's not even close to being over yet.
Sent from my iPhone
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