Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Power of Lists

places in the near future i will go:
NYC, New York
Toronto, Canada
Duluth, Minnesota
Madison, Wisconsin
LA, California

feel good things:
t and i reaching our ten months (realistically 48 months, that's not including the year apart)
finishing my one year (realistically five years) gift to t
de cluttering my life, my room and my car
doing good in school
saving money for christmas, trips
spending money for christmas, trips
getting a new and exciting job
Glee, Gossip Girl, & Greek; three of my favorite shows

languages i will master:

things i want for greed, and don't need, but sincerely want:
a macbook pro
new ugg boots
a dslr
winning the lottery


I can't seem to get rid of that travel bug that bit me months ago. And now that I'm unemployed, more and more of my time is spent thinking and planning about that next vacation.

I'm very tempted to take out a fat loan, and spend it on traveling all across Europe and Asia. Very tempted.


Positive thoughts.
Positive thoughts.

..pause the music to your right and click play to these:

<3Glee, why can't Wednesday be here already?


emmy said...

im gonna watch glee now to see what all the buzz is about! :)

emmy said...

want to go somewhere with me in JAN or FEB?? my slowest months and i can take off as many dayss to go!! lets ditch the bfs and gooo!!!!!!!!!!! im savin all my money for vacay =]

Anonymous said...

Dude i want a pro too, and i just got my notebook. greed is the most common sin.