Sometimes we all wonder things. Whether its in class during a really boring video or sometimes it might just be in the car driving somewhere.
You know what I sometimes wonder? We all put smiles on our faces like everythings fine, everythings perfect. But there will only be one or two people in our lives who'll see through those smiles and see the truth behind it. Even the ones you thought knew you well may not even know the difference between your real smiles and the fake you put on everyday.
Will we ever become those people we dreamed of when we were younger? Yeah those dreams we've had when we were younger may have changed, but our dreams are still chaste. We still don't see the reality in things yet.
We're all just crazy make-believe characters in this story we call life.
Question: After being disappointed many times. When do you know its time to stop hoping?
Answer: You don't know. You just never stop hoping. The crazy-funny-happy feeling you get when you do hope and you do get more than expected is worth it, rather than hoping and being disappointed or worse not hoping at all. Plus its impossible to completely stop hoping anyway.
False hope is better than no hope.
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