Thursday, May 17, 2018

Come at me when you're expecting a child yourself, but until then stop having expectations on how I should carry my unborn baby.

Unsolicited advice from people who have never carried or aren't Mothers are the worst 🤬

Trust me, with all of the time I have on hand, I've read a lot about pregnancy.

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Thursday, May 3, 2018

I know this sounds terrible, but I'm trying my best to prepare myself for the worst.

I had a prenatal appointment yesterday and was given two news:

1) baby is measuring small; urgent referral to the perinatal group to measure baby's growth. Depending on that ultrasound I could go in twice a week for ultrasounds + measure blood flow of my umbilical core OR just go in for the planned weekly ultrasound to measure amniotic fluid
2) my Gluclose test came in elevated; scheduled a three hour Gluclose intolerance test for tomorrow morning

Obviously not good news, but at this point I'm glad I haven't gone into labor. Just the other week I was telling a friend I hope I go at 37 weeks so I have time to lose weight to fit into a bridesmaid dress for her wedding; how silly of me to have said or even thought that.

I'm just praying Baby J will be healthy. I want nothing more in life right now than to deliver a healthy baby.

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