Tuesday, March 27, 2018

My first pregnancy has been anything but "normal," and I wouldn't change it for the world. All of the highs and the lows, I'll take it all as long as Danny and I get to meet our baby.

This was Sunday night; for a good hour or two I couldn't do anything without this sharp stabbing feeling in my right abdomen. Of course I googled, and everything from contractions to round ligament pain said nothing about sharp pains so I called the baby line and they got me right into our delivering hospital's Labor and Delivery area. Funny thing was, after seeing a couple of doctors and nurses, my OB came in. Apparently, she was on duty that night and saw my name on the list of patients that checked in so she came by to check on me. She's been really reassuring throughout this pregnancy, and has always taken a conservative approach, so it was a big relief to hear to say I just pulled a muscle while working out.

Phew! I felt bad having Danny take me in at 8pm on a Sunday night but he's always supportive. Gah, he's the best.

Baby girl, you're so blessed to have the best father ever. As for mother, only time will tell. I hope I will be just as great.

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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Boy, I was on such a high after our level 2 ultrasound with the perinatal doctor. Besides more blood being detected on the ultrasound, the doc cleared baby of any spinal bifida and missing chromosomes. He thoroughly explained the elevated blood test results and I was really feeling good.

Adding to that high, just a week later I felt baby move with my hands!!!! She moves around a lot and I'm loving it! Every time she does, I drop what I'm doing to feel her. I can't wait to meet her. Danny is going to be an amazing father.

BUT then I saw my OB this week and the appointment with her really brought on the lows. She said although the perinatal doc said baby is fine, due to the subchorionic hemorrhage I have to start weekly ultrasounds at 28 weeks. I guess it's to measure baby to ensure placenta is doing its job, measure amniotic fluid so it's not getting too low, and make sure my placenta isn't bleeding (placental abruption). I'm all for seeing baby on a screen weekly until I deliver her, but in a normal pregnancy you're only supposed to have 2-3 ultrasounds; to date I've had 5 and will have roughly 12 more if baby is full term. It's concerning for any mother to be, but Danny reassured me my IB is just being extra cautious and conservative.

After every OB appointment I get a printout from her and on it it reads: High Risk Pregnancy. I broke down and bawled after reading it.

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Friday, March 16, 2018

I started to feel what I can only describe as bubbles in my stomach or popcorn popping in my stomach at 15 weeks of carrying. Since then every time I've felt the bubbles or popping sensation i quickly drop what I'm doing and place both hands on my stomach to try and feel it with my hands.

On Monday, March 12th at 12:40am, I finally felt our baby moving with my hands. Such an amazing feeling.

A woman's mind and body are so capable of powerful things.

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